
Sports Medicine & Non-Surgical Sports Medicine Physicians located in Brentwood, Los Angeles, CA

Neuropathy is a complex medical condition that causes a wide range of symptoms, making it hard to diagnose and treat. At Pacific Coast Orthopedic Sports Medicine in the Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, Michael Sheps, DC, and the multidisciplinary team take a collaborative approach to neuropathy, utilizing innovative treatments to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. Learn more about neuropathy care at the sports medicine practice by calling the Westside Los Angeles office today or booking an appointment online. 

What should I know about neuropathy?

Neuropathy, also called peripheral neuropathy, is a nerve condition that affects the peripheral nerves, which are the sensory, motor, and autonomic nerves. It’s a general term indicating nerve damage or a change in communication between the nerve and brain.

Because neuropathy may affect any type of peripheral nerve, symptoms vary, making it hard to diagnose. Additionally, neuropathy may affect more than one type of nerve.

An acute injury or underlying health condition like diabetes or vascular disease may cause the nerve damage that leads to the condition.  

What symptoms can I expect with neuropathy?

Neuropathy symptoms depend on the type of nerve affected, ranging from mild to disabling. Symptoms you may have with neuropathy include:

  • Radiating pain 
  • Tingling, burning, or numbness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Muscle weakness
  • Heat intolerance
  • Excessive sweating
  • Gastrointestinal problems 
  • Low blood pressure

Your symptoms may develop over days, weeks, or years, worsening over time. However, because peripheral nerves continuously repair themselves, your symptoms may go away.

What tests do I need to find out I have neuropathy?

No single test can diagnose neuropathy. Your doctor reviews symptoms and medical history to determine what tests you need to confirm or rule out a diagnosis to explain your symptoms. 

Testing for neuropathy may include bloodwork to check for diabetes, nutrient deficiencies, and inherited conditions that cause neuropathy. You may also undergo nerve conduction studies (NCS) that evaluate individual nerve signaling and function.

If your doctor at Pacific Coast Orthopedic Sports Medicine suspects your neuropathy is caused by nerve compression, they may order imaging tests. 

What treatments provide relief from neuropathy symptoms?

Pacific Coast Orthopedic Sports Medicine takes an individualized approach to care and customizes your neuropathy treatment plan based on the cause of your nerve damage and symptoms. The team spends time talking to you about their findings and the details of your plan.

Treatment for neuropathy may include:

  • Nutrition therapy
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Chiropractic care like the McKenzie Method®
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Physical therapy
  • Spinal decompression
  • Custom orthotics
  • Laser therapy
  • Cannabidiol (CBD)

The team at Pacific Coast Orthopedic Sports Medicine educates you about daily self-care and rehabilitation techniques you can do at home to support your in-office treatments.

Call Pacific Coast Orthopedic Sports Medicine: Michael Sheps, DC today or schedule your neuropathy consultation using the online booking tool.